PhD in economics,
Director of the Department of Customs Control and Registration
of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine,
8 Lvivska Sq., Kyiv, 04053,
Ivashchuk Olha
PhD in economics, associate professor
of the Department of Banking
of Ternopil National Economic University,
11 Lvivska Str., Ternopil, 46009,
Ivashchuk Oleh
Specialist of the Center “Integration Hub of African and Asian Countries” Ternopil National Economic University,
11 Lvivska Str., Ternopil, 46009,
The tendencies of global development and countries’ integration into global customs space
Abstract: Modern tendencies of global economic development are analyzed and existing asymmetries in positioning of countries by the level of economic growth are revealed. The role of trade in international economic relations is explained. Understanding of customs space as an open system is outlined and the peculiarities of selection of various forms of regional economic integration by countries to balance their customs space are emphasized. Common features of customs space for all forms of countries’ integration are found. The challenges for EU customs space are defined. The differences in regional economic integration of countries are determined. The authors prove that in case of trade liberalization and customs procedures simplification, each country finds itself in the zone of perspective risks of economic growth maintenance. Main challenges for customs space and economic development of countries are generalized. Based on the methods of econometric analysis, the histograms of empirical distribution of the countries in the world are developed and they are identified in customs space by involvement in international trade and economic growth. The analysis resulted in establishment of 10 basic functions of the countries’ involvement in international trade and 11 functions for economic growth. Unequal distribution of countries by the chosen features is confirmed. Ukrainian positions by the abovementioned parameters are specified and strategic vectors of integration into global customs space are suggested.
Keywords: globalization, economic integration, economic development, involvement in international trade, customs space.
JEL classification: F02, F15
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