Doctor of Economics,
Professor, Head of Department of Olympic and Professional sports,
National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov
Heroyiv Ukrayiny Ave., 9, Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Rogatina Lida
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Head of Economic Theory and Financial-Economic Security Department
Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies
112, Kanatna Str., Odesa, 65088, Ukraine
Kim Vitaliy
PhD student,
National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov
Heroyiv Ukrayiny Ave., 9, Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Voit Oleksiy
PhD student,
National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov
Heroyiv Ukrayiny Ave., 9, Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Dubynska Olena
PhD student,
National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov
Heroyiv Ukrayiny Ave., 9, Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Abstract. The paper proves that integration processes of Ukraine require new search for optimization of the system managing scientific-technical maintenance of food industry. It concerns the spheres of management and funding. The paper reveals that development programs should be oriented at priority industries for a region, should consider resource-based and economic capacity and should be based on the history of food consumption culture. The fact that the system of economic development management in the context of food security should be based on the principles of self-reproduction and self-sufficiency is emphasized. Revealing and considering of all reproduction processes and interrelations of phenomena enables raising of the efficiency of economic development management. Realization of self-reproduction and self-sufficiency principles in the context of food security stipulates the need to use to the fullest capacity the internal reserves and opportunities to produce agricultural products and develop food industry, specialization and infrastructure development, to create specific institutions at regional level for the use of economic-administrative management methods. The paper proves that food security requires creation of monitoring system that is entrusted the task to define its actual condition and to predict internal and external threats to food security. On this basis the measures on localization and elimination of negative factors that impact or can impact in the future the deterioration of security level are developed. The system of food security monitoring is focused on the following directions: agri-food production, food market, food consumption, nutrition of population, food quality and security. It is important to establish partnership relations between economic entities and food companies and agricultural producers in current economic conditions.
Keywords: food security, agri-food production, organizational-managerial mechanism, management, economic development.
JEL classification: O22
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