Danylo Svitlana
PhD in Economics,
Associate Professor of the Department
of Merchandise and Business
Uzhgorod Trade and Economic Institute of KNUTE
21, Orthodox Embankment, Str. Uzhgorod, 88000, Ukraine
Abstract: In the given article, there are investigated the modern aspects of the functioning of trading enterprises. The principles of entrepreneurship for the entrepreneur’s trading activity are considered. The role of the state in the development of entrepreneurship and the creation of favourable organizational and economic conditions are thoroughly analyzed. The necessity to develop strategies and prospective plans for the development of trade entrepreneurship is substantiated. Attention is drawn to the fact that commercial activities can be carried out by economic entities in the form of retail trade. Particular attention is focused on urgent tasks of business development, improvement of quality of service in retail chains. The main causes of this situation have been identified as well as there have been proposed directions for further improvement of trade services to the population of Ukraine.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, trade enterprise, retail trade, shop, trade network.
JEL classification: F 19, L 81, M 21
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