Assistant Professor, PhD in Systematic philosophy
College of International Management ISM Slovakia in Prešov,
3951/1 Duchnovičovo námestie Sq., Prešov, 080 01, Slovak Republic
On 6. December passed away important Slovak physicist academician Július Krempaský. He was 88 years old. The legend of Slovak physics left us. Július Krempaský was born on 31 March 1931 in the village of Krizova Ves. During his studies at grammarch school in Kežmarok he wanted to become a professional football player. The deterioration of his health changed his decision. Július Krempaský studied physics and mathematics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Comenius University.
As a faithful naturalist, he was persecuted in the wild 1950s in the sense that they did not allow him to give lectures on his alma mater. Since r. 1952 until his death he worked at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. Krempaský will significantly influence the building of science in Slovakia. It also had a great influence on the construction of the electrical industry in Slovakia.
He was one of the most prominent students of the academician Ilkovič. He taught semiconductor theory, solid state physics. Later he went on to teach a basic physics course. His scientific profile has been semiconductor since the beginning of his career. Later, thermodynamic properties were added. In addition to these areas, he also dealt with amorphous metals. In the fields of thermodynamic properties and non-crystalline semiconductors he became the founder of the field. In the field of amorphous metal he became a co-founder of the field, together with Pavol Duhaj, DrSc.He was also a pioneer in the field of synergetics. In addition to his own physics, he was also interested in linking physics with philosophy. In this context, theologia naturalis has also achieved remarkable results. In addition to be a physicist, he also enrolled in the history of Slovak philosophy. He also contributed to the interdisciplinary discoveries between economics and physics. Krempasky brought up the first generation of experts in the field of semiconductors – Stefan Luby, Ivan Hlasnik, Peter Kordos, Karol Meřínský. His textbook of physics from 1982 became classic. Until then, a good textbook by Dionys Ilkovič was available, which did not contain many parts of modern physics. The textbook by Július Krempaský is up to date and is an important helper in the study of physics.He is the author of several scientific patents in the fields of thermal conductivity, measurement of semiconductors, measurement of cross-sections of bodies, measurement of thermophysical parameters of building materials, influence on chemical structures in magnetic field etc. For his active life, he was awarded the National Prize of the Slovak Republic, the Prize of the Slovak Academy of Science, the Prize of the Minister of Education of the Slovak Republic for science and technology, Prize of Ľudovít Štúr II. classes. In 2018 Krempaský received the title of professor honoris causa from The University of Managament in Legnica. I believe that the university environment will remain forever owed to our physicist, that he has never been awarded the honorary degree of Dr. h. c. Július Krempaský gradually gained titles Eng., CSc., Assoc. prof., prof., DrSc. When fanatical agitators wanted to prevent the inaugural proceedings, the then rector of the university academician Blažej commanded – the proceedings will begin today! He became the first physicist in Slovakia to obtain the title Doctor of sciences. Later, he receives scientific degrees corresponding to the Slovak Academy of Science, and to the Czechoslovak Academy of Science. In 1995 he received an academic degree from the European Academy of Science and Arts.Academician Krempaský has enrolled in the history of science not only by significant innovations and discoveries in physics, but also by wide successful interdisciplinary scientific results. In his long and rich career he has written several hundreds of scientific articles, dozens of monographs, the last year. He was active until his death, some of his articles are still in the process of being published.Július Krempaský was not only an important scientist, but also a pedagogue and didacticist, he advocated the teaching of integrated science. He left behind valuable didactic publications. He was very popular as a lecturer, not only in his place of work. Krempaský lectured at several hundred conferences in various countries of the world. He attended many public lectures and was a frequent guest on TV and radio.By his departure, Slovakia is losing its most important living physicist. Honour his memory!