PhD in economics,
associate professor of Management Department
National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov
Heroyiv Ukrayiny Ave., 9, Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Tubaltseva Nataliya
PhD in economics,
associate professor of Management Department
National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov
Heroyiv Ukrayiny Ave., 9, Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Sirenko Ihor
PhD in economics, associate professor,
associate professor of Management Department
National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov
Heroyiv Ukrayiny Ave., 9, Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Mikhailov Myhaylo
PhD in economics,
associate professor of Management Department
National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov
Heroyiv Ukrayiny Ave., 9, Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Barabanova Yuliya
PhD student,
National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov
Heroyiv Ukrayiny Ave., 9, Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Abstract: The paper defines that availability of well-developed transport and logistics infrastructure is one of the decisive dominants of transport and logistics system functioning at regional, national and international levels, which secures efficient supply, scientific-productive and social communications between economic entities. The features of management of national transport and logistics systems development programs are examined, namely maintenance and state support of competitiveness of the companies in the industry at international level; functioning of Ukrainian network in the system of international transport corridors according to generally adopted standards; European and Asian integration with Ukrainian transport systems; introduction of new principles of transportation organization and customs clearance of goods at Ukrainian state borders; securing of gradual transition to modern transport and customs standards in the sphere of transit traffic; promotion of transport infrastructure development; harmonization of legislative framework of transit traffic of goods. Based on the study of foreign experience as well as current and project documents and international commitments of Ukraine in the sphere of sustainable development, the major directions of public policy implementation in transport-logistics industry are systematized, including: directions of innovative development of transport and logistics technologies based on energy saving and environmental friendliness; development of efficient economic systems based on logistics and marketing principles; development of strategic planning; improvement of regulatory policy. The paper proves that transition of national transport-logistics systems to sustainable development model is the priority direction of strategic development and also the basic condition of realization of Ukraine’s EU integration aspirations. Conceptual foundations of sustainable development of transport systems are defined and economic, social and ecological principles of their functioning are systematized.
Keywords: transport-logistics system, capacity, logistics, transport-logistics activity, national economy.
JEL classification: L90, N70
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