Associate professor,
PhD in Systematic philosophy
College of International Business ISM Slovakia in Prešov
1 Duchnovičovo námestie
Prešov 080 01, Slovak Republic
On November 30, suddenly left us our precious colleague and rector emeritus of our college academician prof. RNDr. Lev Bukovský, DrSc.. Although the age is a bit advanced, we have such a message they weren’t waiting yet. Many of us have a cheerful mood in our minds celebrating his recent 80th birthday. On that occasion in 2019 an important topological conference also took place in Košice. Lev Bukovský was born on September, 1939 in the family of a merchant in Podkriváň. His father was a member of the Democratic parties, after 1948 he was a political prisoner. The reason for his imprisonment was great trivial, he was a member of a hostile political party and by opening business, he became an entrepreneur. At the time, that was enough for a verdict, Lev how the boy lived in the picturesque village of Podkriváň in central Slovakia, Detva district. Studied at grammar schools in Hnúšťa and Lučenec. Already its adoption on the grammar school was not easy due to the political situation. Uncle helped, as a district secretary of the Communist Party in Hnúšťa, who promised to be on ideological supervision of the student. After a year of study in Hnúšťa, he transferred to grammar school in Lučenec. There was a quality teaching of mathematics and physics at this school. The teachers of the mentioned subjects also worked together after the lessons on the development of subject methodology. The last two subjects were taught by the future Associate Professor of Chemistry Šarlota Jágerská, whom Lev Bukovský liked to mention. Despite of the so-called bad class origin, the future mathematician got into college, as he won the all-Slovak round of the Mathematical Olympiad. He originally chose a combination of mathematics, physics and chemistry, but such a quantum was not manageable, and so the study of chemistry gave up. Later on to specialize in mathematics also gave up the study of physics. He graduated as a diploma in mathematics analysis at the Faculty of Science, Comenius University in Bratislava. His the teachers were Michal Greguš, Tibor Šalát, Milan Kolibiar, Tibor Neubrunn. His classmates were e.g. Ján Pišút, Jozef Iľko, Sylvia Pulmannová, Eva Majerníková, etc., who have become important experts. He didn’t even escape the attack fanatical communists during their studies. He became, together with Milan Kolibiar, a pioneer of formal logic in Slovakia, which has been sought for some time as on the bourgeois pseudo-science. Based on the results of the student scientific conference got a place in the Czechoslovak Academy of Science. There, after a demanding military service, also began working in the seminar of Petr Vopěnka. Since year from 1965 to 2010 he worked at the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, the seminar he led even after his retirement until his death. From the given the Košice School of Set Theory and Topology and its members were for example: Peter Vojtáš, Roman Frič, Martin Gavalec, Jaroslav Šupina, Vladimir Dancik etc. He built a department at the University of Košice informatics. Scientific degree CSc. obtained at Charles University in Prague in Algebra and Number Theory. In 1983 he received a scientific degree DrSc, despite some ideological delays. He was inaugurated as a professor in in 1984. His scientific work focused on set theory and mathematics logic with emphasis on application in other mathematical fields. Its results in areas of set theory are featured in college textbooks around the world. He has written more than 40 original scientific papers. From 1990 to 1991 he worked as vice-rector of the University of Košice at the time when he was rector prominent diabetologist Professor Rudolf Korec. In the years 1991 – 1996 he was the rector of UPJŠ Košice. He was elected as a full member – academician of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg around 2005. The main scientific results he has achieved are: reduction cardinal arithmetic on gimel function, set theory models for change confinality, minimality properties of such models, applications of set theory and its models in topology, measure theory and real analysis, general characterization of generic extensions of set theory models, properties topological spaces not distinguishing between different types of sequence convergence real functions, general theory of thin sets of harmonic analysis. He was member of the wellknown seminar of Professor Vopěnka in Prague. His most important discovery is Hausdorff – Tarski – Bukovsky’s Theorem. His focus work is The Structure of the Real Line, published by Springer. Academician Bukovský held various positions: member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Science UPJŠ and the Scientific Board of UPJŠ, was a member of the Scientific Board of Charles University in Bratislava, he was a member of Academic Assembly of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 1996 – 2000 President of Slovakia mathematical society,he was the chairman of the Accreditation Commission, he was the head Department of Mathematical Informatics, was the rector of UPJŠ, a member of the Academic Senate UPJŠ, member of the Board of Trustees of the Michal Kováč Foundation and Václav Havel, member of the Board of Trustees Board of the Open Society Foundation. He was a member of the Scientific Board of the College of International Business ISM Slovakia in Prešov. He was a member of the editorial board Perspectives magazine. He was the chairman of the scientific commission for the award of DrSc. in mathematics in Czechoslovakia. In the years 2010 – 2015 he was the rector ISM Slovakia University of International Business in Prešov. In 1996 he won the city of Košice award. In 1999 he became the bearer Crystal wing. In 2004, he received the Košice Chairman’s Award selfgoverning region. In 2015, he received the Grand Medal of St. Gorazd. Academician Bukovský, a world-renowned scientist, was our rector for 5 years. However, he worked at the school from its foundation until today days. We will remember him as a good manager, an excellent scientist, an excellent one pedagogue, but especially as a funny and wise colleague who was full of knowledge (regardless of the field) and willingly advised on request. He was older, but younger in spirit. He taught us junior colleagues that publishing is important if it expands scientific knowledge. His logically and linguistically perfect Slovak could serve as a model. The honor of his bright memory!