PhD in economics,
scientific researcher of Department of spatial pevelopment
SI «Institute of Regional Research
Named after M.I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine»
4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine
Abstract: The paper analyzes the available in scientific literature ap-proaches to evaluation of Ukrainian regions’ innovative capacity.
The author’s methodological approach to the evaluation of a region’s innovative capacity is suggested. The approach is developed based on the following: in the first place, resources capacity is one of the main features of a region’s innovative capacity, i.e. a region’s innovative capacity is a set of certain types of recourses necessary to carry out the innovative activity; in the second place, in addition to resources component the innovative capacity of a region also contains an effi-ciency component; together they characterize the region’s capacity to attract resources to generate, disseminate and use innovations; thirdly, an infrastructural framework for innovative activity is an important element of the region’s innovative capacity.
Keywords: innovative potential, innovative development, innovative resources, innovative activity of the region, regional economy
JEL classification: O31, O33, P25