Note to contributors

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The manuscripts are accepted by the editorial office of Perspectives – Journal on economic and social issues, Duchnovicovo nam. 1, 080 01 Presov, e-mail:

Papers should correspond with the thematic focus of the journal; their title should be brief, concise and appropriate. The paper should be accompanied by: abstract (maximum 250 words), English title of the paper, key words and JEL classification according to <>.

The papers shall be submitted in electronic form (e-mail), text editor Word operating under Windows, font size 12, line spacing 1,25. Original articles should contain max. 15 pages, reviews should contain max. 4-5 pages.

Citation to work should always give the name of author and date (i.e. the Harvard system).

The tables, pictures, graphs and schemes are numbered in the text. The graphs should be in Microsoft Excel programme. The graphic parts of manuscript (tables, schemes, pictures, graphs, equations) should not be scanned and contain Source.

Mathematical formulas and expressions should be written in clear and obvious way using electronic designs.

References in the text are cited as follows: give in brackets surname of the author, year of publishing; if the source does not have the author, give in brackets the name of institution and the year of publishing.

The list of bibliography with full bibliographic information is placed at the end of the article in alphabetical order.

The articles submitted will be the subject to peer-review process. Editorial committee makes decision on publishing or rejecting the paper taking into account reviewer’s assessment.

The authors also give the full address of their workplace, their titles and e-mail addresses. The papers are not remunerated.