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Popadynets Nazariy

PhD in Economics,

Senior Researcher of Department

of Regional Economic Policy at

M. I. Dolishniy Institute of

Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine,

4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine,





Abstract: The processes of development of consumer food market at regional and state levels are examined. The dynamics of consumption and consumption per capita of main food products by Ukrainian population is outlined. Ukrainian regions are ranked by the share of agricultural food production. The dynamics of gross agricultural production in Ukrainian regions in general and across plant and animal products is examined. The factors that impact the production and provision of consumer market of a region and a country in general with food are determined. The paper proves that saturation and capacity of consumer food market depends on the efficiency of socio-economic activity in a region. Therefore, usually, the higher it is, the more goods are produced and the higher wages and final consumption are. The paper suggests the directions of development and organization of functioning of consumer food market across regions.

Key words: food products, regions, agriculture, animal products, crop production, consumer market.

JEL classification: L66, O15, Q18


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POPADYNETS, N. М., 2017. Regional consumer market: nature and framework of functioning. Regional economy, 1 (83). pp. 17-22.

STATE Statistical Service of Ukraine, 2016. [online]. Balances and consumption of main food products by the population of Ukraine – 2014 [viewed 3 April 2019]. Available from: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/druk/publicat/Arhiv_u/07/Arch_spog_zb.htm

STATE Statistical Service of Ukraine, 2018a. [online]. Agriculture of Ukraine – 2017  [viewed 5 April 2019]. Available from:  http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/druk/publicat/Arhiv_u/07/Arch_sg_zb.htm

STATE Statistical Service of Ukraine, 2018b. [online]. Balances and consumption of main food products by the population of Ukraine – 2017 [viewed 3 April 2019]. Available from: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/druk/publicat/Arhiv_u/07/Arch_spog_zb.htm