Associate professor, PhD in Systematic philosophy
College of International Business ISM Slovakia in Prešov
1 Duchnovičovo námestie
Prešov 080 01, Slovak Republic
Juraj Hraško was born in Točnica, May 14, 1931. After studying at the grammar school, he studied at the then Soviet Union in Kharkov, today’s Ukraine. He was a student at the Faculty of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Institute of V. V. Dokuchajev. He completed his studies in 1955. In In 1964 he became a candidate of science (CSc.). He was a scholarship holder of the A. Humboldt Foundation at the Institute of Pedology of Friedrich Wilhelm University in Bonn. In 1974 he became a Doctor of Science (DrSc). In 1980 he became a corresponding member of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and in 1981 a corresponding member of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. He became a professor in the field of pedology in 1982. He finally obtained the title of academician of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (1987).
He worked as the head of the Department of Soil Science and Agrochemistry at ÚKSUP in Bratislava. He was also the director of the Soil Science Laboratory. He founded the Research Institute of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition and was its director. He also ran the Soil Fertility Research Center. He was the government’s commissioner for the protection of ecosystems and landscapes. He was the first head of the department for sustainable development. He was a member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, where he was the vice-chairman of the Committee for the Environment. He held the position of Minister of the Environment. He was ambassador to Switzerland.
Academician Hraško has been involved in soil science for the rest of his life. He developed the theory of genesis and the creation of properties of the main soil representatives in Slovakia, the principles of soil classification and mapping, the development of the genesis of black soil soils, anthropogenic factors of soils and pedosphere protection. His areas of interest are mainly pedogenesis, pedochemistry, classification and geography of soils.
He is the first author of the Morphogenetic classification system of soils in Slovakia. He coordinated a comprehensive survey of agricultural land in Slovakia. He is the author of more than 400 scientific and professional publications. He has lectured at conferences and congresses in many countries around the world. To this day, he lectures at various scientific events. Academician Juraj Hraško educated many candidates of science. He received many awards: laureate of the State Prize KG (1984), holder of the Ľudovít Štúr Council of the 1st class (2001), honorary plaques of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Czechoslovak Academy of Agriculture, Comenius University, etc. He is known as a visionary scientist who sees ahead for many decades.
Our celebrity Juraj Hraško, an academic and professor, is an example of indomitable scientific zeal. Even today, it adorns the plenary sessions of scientific conferences.
We wish him good luck in the years to come!