Assistant professor, PhD in Economics
College of International Business ISM Slovakia in Prešov
1 Duchnovičovo námestie
Prešov 080 01, Slovak Republic
The domestic market of consumer goods of Ukraine in modern conditions is formed under the influence of the accumulated structural deformations of the national economy. The lack of a systematic strategic approach to solving the problem of the consumer goods market’s saturation by an appropriate increase in domestic production (based on modernization and competitiveness) has led to a significant dependence of the national economy on external supply sources. Excessive openness of the national economy in recent years has strengthened the vulnerability of the Ukrainian domestic market of consumer goods to fluctuations in external conditions. The current situation requires immediate action to regulate the development of the domestic market of consumer goods, as well as to stimulate and improve the conditions for the activities of domestic producers.
The monograph of Nazariy Popadynets on the topic „Regulation of the development of Ukraine’s domestic market of consumer goods: theory and methodology“ has a great scientific and practical interest. It consists of 4 sections, contains appendices and a list of references.
Part of the monograph is devoted to a comprehensive theoretical and methodological study of the development of Ukraine’s domestic market of consumer goods in terms of economic integration, based on the justification of strategic priorities and ways to improve the efficiency of its functioning in the national economy. Theoretical approaches to understanding the essence of the domestic market of consumer goods are substantiated. A complex dynamic system is studied. It is formed by a set of institutions reflecting stable, adequate to exogenous and endogenous challenges, the links between subsystems. This system stipulates the institutional conditions of economic entities in the domestic market. Prerequisites for the expansion of domestic producers of their segments in the domestic market based on improving the quality and safety of goods are substantiated. The significance of such a concept as „quality“, which is interpreted as a set of product properties relating to its ability to meet public consumer value and anticipated consumers’ needs, legally enshrined in national and international regulatory and technical documentation.
Further, the author substantiates the priority areas of development of the domestic market of consumer goods. They will contribute to achieving long-term non-price competitive advantages of domestic producers, which, in contrast to existing ones, are a systematic approach to effective development institutions, tools for protection and support of national producers (creation conditions to develop competition between Ukrainian producers and importers; increase the level of non-price and price competitiveness; state regulation of import substitution; establish a system for monitoring prices and sales of consumer goods; harmonize the national system of product quality control and market surveillance with modern international norms and requirements). The normative-legal and institutional environment of domestic market development is analyzed and the method of evaluating the efficiency of formation and implementation of the regulation of domestic market development of consumer goods is singled out.
A significant part of the study is devoted to the results of the assessment of the current state of the domestic market, as well as analysis and modeling of factor determinants of the domestic consumer goods market. A study on the differences in purchasing behavior of the population of EU member states and Ukraine in the domestic market of consumer goods was conducted, based on which a model of such differences was built.
The author proposes the main directions of technical regulation of the main parameters of quality and safety of consumer goods in the domestic market. Approaches to the formation of effective public market surveillance are studied as a tool to accelerate Ukraine’s integration into EU member states. These processes will enhance the use of the positive potential of consumer value of goods and meet international requirements taking into account national interests in developing international standards and which, in contrast to existing approaches, take into account the possibility of involving small businesses in the standardization process as a tool for deregulation. Scientific tools for assessing the impact of harmonized standards on economic growth are proposed, which, in contrast to existing approaches, provide an opportunity to assess the impact of standards on total productivity of production factors by adjusting the relevant factor features (GDP, capital, employment, royalties, fund standards). They can increase the diffusion effect of technological knowledge and provide a basis for sustainable economic growth in Ukraine, accelerating the provision of integration processes.
In general, the presented material is logical, well-formulated, contains many diagrams and tables. The latest statistics are provided. Therefore, acquaintance with the text of the monograph allows us to talk about high-quality research work, which deserves extensive study by scientists, managers, and Ph.D. students.