College of International Business ISM Slovakia in Prešov
1 Duchnovičovo námestie
Prešov 080 01, Slovak Republic
Sedliačiková Mariana
Department of Economics, Management and Business, Faculty of Wood Technical University in Zvolen
T.G. Masaryka 24
960 01 Zvolen, Slovak Republic
Abstract. In the presented paper, we have tried to approach the issues related to controlling, benefits of controlling and its barriers, as well as the psychological factors affecting the employees of the company. The main goal of this paper was to propose a model of implementation of controlling respecting the psychological aspects influencing the perception of controlling in the company. In order to fulfill the main goal of the article, it was necessary to study the first part of the issue of controlling, psychological aspects and internal interest groups, where more emphasis was put on employees. In the next part, we focused on the graphical and statistical evaluation of the results of the empirical survey, based on which it was possible to create a model of implementation. The conclusion was devoted to the evaluation of the achieved results and recommendations for the monitored wood processing enterprises.
Key words : controlling, psychological aspects, employees, model of implementation
JEL classification: G10,G11, G12, G15