Soskin Oleh
PhD (Economics), Professor, National Academy of Management,
Director, Institute of Society Transformation, Kyiv, Ukraine
postal box 297, Kyiv, 01034, Ukraine
Abstract: In the paper, the influence of innovations has been analysed through the prism of the author approach to the competition of civilizations which is taking place in the world. The author singles out in his works and considers innovative competitions among six different civilizations in the world: Euro-Atlantic, Chinese, Hindu, and Latin American, African and Muslim ones. Under this process, innovations can be either with positive or negative connotation. The author considers main elements of economic models of each civilisation showing various aspects of economic, industrial and social-political innovations of modern time. In the paper, key points of success of the author’s national capitalism model of economic development have been presented for the European countries that are considered as a branch of Euro-Atlantic civilization. It is concluded that creative, vital forces of society should undertake responsibility for the development and move the pace of innovation progress towards non-harm direction.
Keywords: innovation; industrial revolution; civilization; economic model; socio-economic mode; capitalism; national capitalism; region; city; creation; destruction; chaos.
JEL Classification: F01, F29, F33, F42
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