Prykhodko Volodymyr
D.Sc. (Economics), Professor, Head,
International Economic Relations Chair,
Uzhgorod National University
14 Universitetska Str., Uzhgorod, 88000, Ukraine
Abstract: The article deals with the influence of the conjuncture on the national economy and exports. The ranks of the Ukrainian economy in the international economic rankings are lower in comparison with the developed countries as well as with countries of the CIS and post-socialist countries. The main factors of the external economic conjuncture make for the national economy a number of critical constraints in commodity exports and trade, stable currency, technology outsourcing and production capacity. The changes in investment security indicators are analyzed. The current state of investment in the world and the country is considered. The strategic documents of state and regions declare the formation of innovation-oriented economy. Power has taken a number of measures to enhance economic, investment and innovation activity, to improve the investment climate in Ukraine. The state and changes in government policies concerning the stimulation of the foreign trade and investment are examined. The recommendations for the support of competitiveness are presented.
Keywords: foreign economic conjuncture, investment security, competitiveness, exports, government policies for innovation and investment development stimulation, priority sectors.
JEL Classification: F01, F10, F21, O11, O57, P24, M21, M31, M38, M48
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