Researcher,Department of regional economic policy,
M. I. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7556-6135
Abstract: The trends of consumer goods internal market development in 2005-2015 related to the improvement of the quality and safety of production under the conditions of global competitiveness are analyzed in the paper. Major problems of the policy of forming and development of internal goods market in the context of EU-Ukraine Association Agreement implementation are outlined. The nature of Chapter 3 «Technical barriers to trade» of the Title IV of EU-Ukraine Association Agreement is explained. The fact that technical regulation system contributes to competitive ability of the domestic production at consumer goods internal market in terms of intensification of Ukraine’s integration into the EU is proved. Major shortcomings of the technical regulation system are generalized. Special attention is paid to the fact that domestic production becomes unable to meet the increasing need of domestic market for competitive and qualitative goods. The system of technical regulation is explained as the development factor of consumer goods internal market under the conditions of Ukraine’s European integration. The ways of further development and improvement of technical regulation system at consumer goods internal market on legislative and executive levels are suggested.
Keywords: consumer goods internal market, European integration, market surveillance, technical regulation system, quality, technical procedure.
JEL Сlassification: L10, L11, L81, O52
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