Popivniak Oksana
PhD Student, Department of Regional Economic Policy,
M.I. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine
Development of industrial parks in Ukraine USING experience of their functioning in Hungary
Abstract: Creation of favourable environment for investment is a basis of economic development of any country in the world because it allows developing infrastructure, opening new and modernize existing companies, introducing innovative technologies, creating jobs and improving competitiveness of economy. The significant experience of industrial parks in many countries, including Hungary where there are 210 such parks, proved the high efficiency of this organizational and economic mechanism.
Negative trends in the Ukrainian economy during the last years require finding effective mechanisms to stimulate the economy and investment activities and ensure modernization of the industrial complex. With the aim of economic breakthrough and transformation of Ukraine into a reliable and profitable investment partner, it is important to introduce an effective mechanism of functioning of industrial parks. In the articles, pre-conditions of creation, steps to be done and economic effects of the industrial parks’ activity have been opened up. It is concluded that Hungarian experience is applicable in Lviv region of Ukraine in particular.
Keywords: industrial parks, development, business, business infrastructure, investments.
JEL Classification: D20, L10, O14, O52
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