Vinnichek Luybov
D.Sc. (Economics), Professor,
Head of the Department of
Organization and Informatization of Production,
FSBEE HE Penza State Agrarian University,
Penza, Russian Federation
8-12, 2nd Pitomnikovaya Str., Penza, 440014, Russian Federation
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6127-7201
Abstract: Some principles of specialized zones of crop production formation are revealed in the paper. The definition “specialized natural economic zone” is given. The factors (soil and climatic, economic, agro-ecological, the scientific and technical progress (STP), social- economic and legal) promoting and constraining development of specialization in crop production are revealed, and their influence on development of specialization of natural and economic zones of the region is determined.
Due to the heterogeneity of natural and economic conditions and a great variety of soil cover in the territory of the region, it was possible to distinguish four natural and economic zones in Penza region of the Russian Federation, in particular: I – Vadinsk-Mokshan, II – Belinsk-Serdobsk, III – Nikolsk-Gorodishche, and IV – Kuznetsk and Lopatinsk. Each of them is researched in this paper.
Keywords: specialized zone, specialization, crop production, natural economic zone; Penza.
JEL Classification: O13, Q10
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