Teslya Dmytro
PhD Student,
Department of Regional Economic Policy,
Lviv State College of Food and Processing Industry,
National University of Food Technologies;
M.I. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of
NAS of Ukraine
4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine
Forming and implementation of food industry’s export capacity in a region under the conditions of European integration
Abstract: The article examines the productive and export capacity of food industry development in Lviv region of Ukraine in terms of strengthening integration processes and defining priority development directions of this sphere in condition of quality and range extension at internal and foreign markets. The share of Lviv region in production of certain types of food products in Ukraine is calculated.
The major functioning problems of regional food industry market are outlined. Strong and weak points of production capacity of food industry development in the region are singled out. Priority commodity groups in exports are determined. Major enterprises – producers and exporters of food production in the region are defined.
Advantages of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Ukraine and the European Union (EU) are emphasized. The dynamics of changes of Lviv region’s food industry export structure with the EU countries during 2001-2015 is analyzed. Priority directions to increase the efficiency of productive and export capacity of food industry market development are suggested.
Keywords: productive capacity, export capacity, EU member countries, region, food industry.
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