Zhuravel Yuliya
PhD Student, Chair of Economic Policy and Labor Economics,
Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration,
National Academy of Public Administration
Under the President of Ukraine;
Lecturer, Lviv State College of Food and Processing Industry,
National University of Food Technologies
42 I. Pulyuya Str., Lviv, 79060, Ukraine
Abstract: The author analyzes foreign experience of planning at enterprises and examines the developments of theorists and experts in order to use them in Ukraine. The nature and meaning of strategic planning are explained. Several methods of strategy development peculiar to foreign enterprises are outlined (individual, collective and export ones). The issue of introduction and improvement of strategic planning system at food industry enterprises of Ukraine is examined. The stages of planning commonly used by domestic enterprises are defined. The major problems of strategic planning application at domestic enterprises are outlined. Main directions and functions of strategic planning at food industry enterprises are summed up. Modification of existing approaches in strategic planning towards orientation at the unique values and corporate culture is suggested in order to take into account the ideas of employees and to apply the experience of highly professional foreign experts.
Keywords: foreign experience, enterprise, strategy, strategic planning, food industry.
JEL Classification: L52, I12, O20
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