Hrehová Daniela
PhDr, PhD., Technical University Košice,
Department of Social Science
4 Vysokoškolská Str., Košice, 040 02, Slovak Republic
Svitačová Eva
PhDr., PhD., Faculty of Economics and Management,
Department of Social Science,
Slovak University of Agriculture
2 Tr. Andreja Hlinku Str., Nitra, 949 76, Slovak Republic
Bednár Marián
PhDr., ThDr., PhD., Department of Applied Ethics,
Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
9 Moyzesova Str., Košice, 040 01, Slovak Republic
A well-rounded education for global world
Abstract: Globalization is causing business leaders to call for new competencies. Global leaders need to understand the factors that shape international interactions in their businesses and explore the cross-country differences and their effects. These new realities demonstrate that workers seeking careers in entrepreneurship will all require global knowledge and skills. The authors present theoretical studies and research, also analyzing the needs of intercultural competence. The results of studies show that intercultural competence cannot be acquired in a short space of time. It is a lifelong process which needs to be addressed explicitly in learning and teaching in university. The goal of intercultural education should be to help students become globally literate. It is indeed in today’s large emerging markets that the war for talent, has become most acute.
Keywords: globalization, intercultural skills, education, students.
JEL Classification: I12
The paper is the partial solution result of scientific project of MŠVVAŠ SR 031TUKE-4/2016 Education of students of technical specialization for the needs of the global labor market.
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