Iryna Tymechko
candidate of economic sciences
M. I. Dolishniy Institute of
Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine,
4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine
Abstract: The EU policy on civil society organizations’ participation in communities’ development is analyzed. Major directions of communities’ development in the context of civil society development are outlined, including the development policy, research and trainings on community development, urban regeneration, culture development, migration of population and sustainable and civil development. The nature of strategic philanthropy, which creates conditions for mutual assistance, is explained. Main components of local philanthropy are defined as following: resources, capability and trust. Special attention is paid to forming of community foundations as the civil society instrument directed at solution of community problems on the basis of Slovak Republic experience in solution of local development problems. The fact that if the residents act as co-investors in local development, they take care about the efficient results more is proven. Suggestions are made over the forming of Civil Councils under local governance as an important instrument of civic participation in community development in order to perform control over local governance body activity, participate in local issues management, contribute to its consideration of public opinion.
Keywords: territorial community, territorial community development, civil society, community foundation, civil council.
JEL classification: O18, P25, R11, R50.
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