Nataliya Andrusyshyn
Senior Researcher, PhD in Economics
Senior Researcher of Department
of Social and Humanitarian Development
of the Region in State Institution
«Institute of regional research named
after M.I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine».
4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine
Maria Bachynska
Junior Researcher, PhD in Economics
Junior Researcher of Department
of Social and Humanitarian Development
of the Region in State Institution
«Institute of regional research named
after M.I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine».
4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine
Abstract: Labor potential of population as quantitative and qualitative characteristic of certain human capabilities is a fundamental category of different researches. In fact, many social and economic concepts – human resources, labor potential, human development, human capital, etc – are connected with labor potential of the population.
In summary, socio-economic studies consider labor potential as the complex of all quantitative and qualitative labor capabilities of population that are formed according to the present population and under the influence of various factors of human development. In other words, population is the basis of labor potential with a large number of features, which include: the values, the ability of replication, health, knowledge, mobility, abilities, skills, etc. In a qualitative sense, formation of human potential is carried out by factors that affect its quality. These factors include: general strategy of population development, socio-economic policy, migration policy, social environment, education, various propaganda, integration programmers, etc.
Keywords: migration processes, labor potential, socio-economic policy, migration policy, human resources.
JEL classification: O31, R11
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