Maria Karpiak
Candidates of Economics,
Senior Researcher of Department
of regional economic policy
M. I. Dolishniy Institute of
Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine,
4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine,
Nazariy Popadynets
Candidate of Economics,
Senior Researcher of Department
of regional economic policy
M. I. Dolishniy Institute of
Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine,
4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine,
Abstract: A difficult economic situation that has been formed in Ukraine in recent years as a result of deep recession and currency devaluation led to the fact that a considerable portion of enterprises was forced to significantly reduce its staff or even suffered elimination. As a result, it caused the release of office space, among both landlords and tenants, whose stoppage, in turn, has forced companies to look for a new business model. And some of them have found it – it was the organization of creative ecosystems that had already gained certain popularity in the West before. In the article we investigated the phenomenon of creative ecosystems and defined the factors of creative ecosystems in Ukraine and globally as well as the analysis of the formation and development of creative ecosystems and general creative industries in Ukraine and in the world. We found the directions to stimulate the development of creative ecosystems and general cultural creative industries in Ukraine and globally by regional and local authorities.
Keywords: creative ecosystems, creative space, creative industry, territorial communities’ development, regional policy.
JEL classification: O31, R11
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