Žák Milan
Prof. Ing. CSc.,
High School of Economics and Management,
Prague, Czech Republic
2600/9A Nárožní Str., Prague 5, 15800, Czech Republic
Abstract: The issue of lobbying is currently one of the hot topics of discussion in social sciences. With the accession to the European Union, the issue has got into the spotlight of especially political scientists, economists and sociologists from the new member states. Generally, this is the basis on which we all agree on, that it is necessary in the negotiating process to set up and ensure greater transparency in lobbying, but the question remains how.
Discussion is conducted mainly in the possibilities of how to regulate lobbying. In the following article we try to show that some solutions not having a regulatory character, allow the rehabilitation of the market for the exchange of information related to lobbying, which is seen as an essential intermediary market activity, where interests of individual subjects are promoted in information market.
The starting point of our considerations is the fact that the standard economic exchange on the political markets is replaced by non-market, bureaucratic decision-making, and in this type of decision a free market for information is overbearing. Lobbying regulation is presented as solutions that conform to the market and which regulation do not completely replace, but bring new perspectives and opportunities.
Question ensuring transparency is not whether regulation is needed or to believe in spontaneous market forces, but on the degree of understanding within a combination of both options, and then the only question is how.
Keywords: lobbying, transparency, regulation, market of administrative measures, social responsibility.
JEL Classification: H83, K23, K42
This research was supported by a GACR 16-08786S
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THE ECONOMIST, 2016, Volume 420, Number 9003, p. 54.
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