Vološin Martin
Doc., PhD., Ing.
International School of Management ISM Slovakia in Prešov
1 Duchnovičovo námestie Str., Prešov, 080 01, Slovakia
Vološinová Darina
PhD., Ing.
International School of Management ISM Slovakia in Prešov
1 Duchnovičovo námestie Str., Prešov, 080 01, Slovakia
Abstract: The paper is focused on the question of global economic development, its overall assessment over the past two years, and the economic outlook for next year. It discusses essential features of the development of key world economies (USA, EU, BRIICS) and factors of slowdown in the pace of global growth compared with developments in Slovakia. In the next part of the article we describe the global investment trends and characteristics of national investment policies. In terms of investment policies of individual states there are also concerns regarding the threats to national security, which resulted in restrictions on foreign investments. These measures have the character of formal restrictions, as well as complex control mechanisms that allow domestic authorities to enter into the process. It is therefore important to implement the international agreements on foreign investments in a transparent manner. It is also important to support the capacity building, especially in less developed countries, in order to better exploit the opportunities arising from the development of international trade and investment agreements.
Keywords: globalization, economic growth, foreign direct investments, investment policy.
JEL Classification: E20, F01
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