Popadynets Nazariy
PhD (Economics), Researcher,
Department of Regional Economic Policy,
- I. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine,
4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine
Abstract: The experience of developed countries as the way to solve the problems of internal trade development in Ukraine on innovative basis is analyzed. Institutional, economic, social and management components of internal trade development are researched. The range of institutional nature factors to hamper the development of internal trade is outlined.
Major preconditions of internal trade development on the basis of foreign experience adaptation are determined. The directions of national legislative field accommodation on the basis of differences liquidation between national and EU legislations are explained.
The fact that improvement of legislative field in Ukraine should be based not only on aspiration to swift adaptation of national legislation to international norms, but more on the use of other countries’ experience is proved. Foreign experience will help national entities in the branch to facilitate conducting of trade activity, will provide equal rights to all the entities, will facilitate the process of conducting the business on the basis of the entities’ motivating to provide qualitative services to a consumer.
Major advantages of foreign experience in the development of internal trade are defined. Approaches to the development of internal trade in Ukraine under the current conditions are proposed taking into consideration the possibilities to adapt foreign experience.
Keywords: adaptation, internal trade, legislation, foreign experience, development.
JEL Cassification: L10, L11, L81, F1
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