Prokopiuk AleksanderPhD (Economics), Rector,Higher Economic School in Bialystok, 14/3 Zwyciestwa Str., Bialystok, 15-703, Poland irima150@gmail.com
Abstract: Current economic and political situation – singing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union (EU), revolutionary and military events of recent years – all this led to dynamic changes in the structure of regional economy of Ukraine. The article analyzes structural changes of economy of regions in the context of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU. Basic problems of development of the structure of regional economy. It is ascertained that the priority should be focused on following issues: structural adjustment and industrial upgrading of production of regions based on new technologies; changing proportions of economic activities in the regions; formation of optimal territorial structure of regional economies; restructuring of agricultural sector of economy of regions; increasing of inner demand for products innovation and investment in regions of origin; increasing of the share of innovative activity of small enterprises in the regions; increasing of investment activity of regions; reducing of disproportionality of regional investment and so on. Possible ways of successful process of implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU are proposed.
Keywords: European integration processes, industry, regional structural policy, economic structure, the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU.
JEL Classification: R 58, О 52, Н 10
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