Abstract: In article, dynamics and tendencies of development of production of main types of agricultural products (grain, meat, milk), whole-milk and sausage products, production of bakery in the Russian Federation, the Volga Region Federal District and the Volga region are analysed. The characteristics of major factors of investment attractiveness of the regions included into the Volga Region Federal District where 15% of all agricultural products of the Russian Federation are being produced has been carried out. It is substantiated that without proper state support it is ompossible to increase profitability of agrarian industries and, consequently, attract short-term and long-term private investments.
Investment attractiveness factors to be mentioned are: the governmental budget subsidies and devaluation of the national currency; interest to the Russian agrarian sector among the large agroholdings and other groups of investors. The main directions of investment flows are production of grain and vegetable growing, which are main industries for the majority of regions of the Volga Region Federal District. For self-sufficiency of the regions and narrow specialisation overcoming, it is necessary to develop cooperation, communications and integration in agrarian sector among the regions of the Volga Region Federal District.
Keywords: investments, agricultural industry, competition, grain; Russia; Volga Region Federal District; Volga region.
JEL Classification: Q10, Q14, Q19
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