PhD (Economics),
Editor-in-Chief, “Economic Annals-XXI” Research Journal,
Institute of Society Transformation, Kyiv, Ukraine
postal box 297, Kyiv, 01034, Ukraine
Editor-in-Chief, “Perspectives” Research Journal,
International School of Management ISM Slovakia in Prešov
Abstract: Nowadays, in the countries of Eastern Europe, which include more than 200 million of educated population, exist common problems of scholarly communications in economics realization and the knowledge spreading both within the region and in the world. In this paper, the author presents a view on such issues in this field as barriers of after-soviet economic science dissemination and its acceptance in the world; the fight with “old-school” domestic stereotypes both in economic research and communications; overcoming of social and technological barriers for economic science; peculiarities of applied practice for research quality and peer review in “crony” countries; as well as the ways for the Eastern European economic science to get out from the “reservation” which are, among other, open access practice and active scholar social networking through the Internet.
Keywords: scholarly communication, knowledge spreading, economic science, science dissemination.
JEL Classification: A11; D83
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