Kmec Miroslav
Doc. Mgr. Dr., PhD.
International School of Management ISM Slovakia in Prešov
1 Duchnovičovo námestie Str., Prešov, 080 01, Slovakia
Author: Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel laureate in economics
Abstract: Why did I choose the presented book from the range of other books? Daniel Kahneman’s ideas are not simple prose reading, even if they are written wise and deeply. They seem to be easy to read, but it is recommended to decode their meaning slowly, systematically and repeatedly. They conceptually help analyze and subsequently alter the way of thinking and reasoning about the Self in interesting everyday contexts, original work, ambient immediate world, and about one’s own life and its context, effects and taking decisions on acting under precarious conditions and effects of outcome. The text provided me with the insight into fundamental questions about Self and its divergent incentives have offered me an inspiration how to approach the perception of certain issues in a different way. I believe that every attentive reader will find a lot of answers to current questions starting with trivial question of Why? in this book.
Keywords: Kahneman, thinking, perception, lifestyle, effectiveness, outcome.