Fedulova Liubov
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Management,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine,
19 Kioto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
Mykolaychuk Iryna
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Management Department,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine,
19 Kioto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
Abstract: In the article the essence and substantiated the preconditions for the implementation of neo-industrialization (re-industrialization) on the basis of the achievements of scientific and technological progress and the new technological structure in the world economic system. An analysis of US and European practice has shown that it is not just about the revival of production in its territory, but about a new concept of industrial development called Industrial Revolution 4.0, the main technological drivers of which are digital and additive technologies, as well as robotics , which penetrate traditional industries and radically change their nature. The state and problems of technological development of industry in Ukraine are revealed, the reasons, causing the process of deindustrialization, are substantiated. Proposals on the directions of realization of neo-industrialization policy are developed and it is proved that stimulation of structural changes in industry requires putting on the agenda economic reforms on the implementation of neo-industrialization policies in Ukraine. Its main principles in the modern sense should be an increase of the competitiveness of the national economy based on developing new and transforming traditional industries using the potential of high technologies according to “Industry 4.0.”
Keywords: industry, neo-industrialization, Industrial Revolution 4.0, technological development.
JEL Classification: F63, l16, O14.
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