Samoilyk Iuliia
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
Department of Enterprise Economics,
Poltava State Agrarian Academy,
1/3 Skovoroda Str., Poltava, 36003, Ukraine
Sedláková Iveta
PhD in Economics,
College of International Management ISM Slovakia in Prešov,
3951/1 Duchnovičovo námestie Str., Prešov, 080 01, Slovak Republic
Abstract: The article deals the contemporary countries development trends on the world. Socio-economic cycles have been become shorter. The cyclical economy development is characterized by constant recessions and ascents. Under these conditions, crises will have been being occurred more and more often. Globalization affects the deepening of inequalities between countries and groups of people. Global inequalities deepen and advocate a significant risk of globalization, creating threats for effective socio-economic development of a large part of the world. Population distribution by regions and countries of the world is not proportional to socio-economic indicators of states development. Such globalization tends deepen to polarization between countries and increase inequality, which manifests itself in economic, environmental and social indicators. The population growth is a big problem for food security. But most developed countries begin to reduce the proportion of agri-food in favor of other complex industries. Under such conditions, Ukraine will be able to become an important player in the global agrarian market, provided that economic processes are improved. Under such conditions, if Ukraine will be improving economic processes, it will be able to become an important player in the global agricultural market.
Keywords: globalisation, socio-economic development, inequality, socio-economic cycles, agri-food market, food security.
JEL Classification: E10, F01, Q17.
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