
Medvid Mykhailo
Doctor of Economics,
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
3 The Defenders of Ukraine Sq., Kharkiv, 61001, Ukraine
Zvieriev Mykola
Kyiv City Business Center of
the Kyiv City State Administration, Kyiv, Ukraine,
10 Khreschatyk Str., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine
Abstract: Problems of providing physical protection to nuclear material and facilities undoubtedly concern military sphere nowadays. Even considering possible transnational effects of destroying nuclear facilities, the problems of physical protection of nuclear material and facilities must become a subject of international military cooperation. Based upon the provided investigations, the article further develops the concept of military security (& nuclear security), the main aspects of which are augmented by the points that the military & nuclear security at international level is a combined benefit that characterizes the participation of the state in the collective security systems through the influence on the process of formulating and developing the state human resources for employing them in daily and combat activities thus providing the preservation of the state human resources due to the elimination of the state participation in possible military conflicts and reducing spending on this process. Comparative analysis of capabilities in providing the development of social benefits of the military security of Ukraine and its neighboring states according to the general output per capita and percentage of the government spending on forming the social benefits of the military security has been made.
Keywords: social benefits, combined benefits, military security, nuclear security.
JEL Classification: H56.
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