Nyzhnii Taras
PhD Student,
Economic Theory and Competition Policy Department,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics,
19 Kioto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
Abstract: The article presents the results of the research functional model of e-governing. The attention was paid to the classical (theoretical) and to the three basic (practical) models of e-governing: Continental-European, Anglo-American and Asian models. The stages of the description methodology proposed in the choice of architecture (construction) of the information system in Ukraine. The architecture of the e-governing is considered and aspects of its implementation efficiency for Ukraine. A reference model of e-governing singled out. Next steps are taken to introduce e-governing in Ukraine and to develop it to international standards.
Keywords: e-governing, e-government, e-democracy, e-Ukraine, functional model of e-governing.
JEL Classification: H41, L88.
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