Chaikina Alina
PhD in Economics,
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management and Logistics,
Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University,
24 Pershotravnevyi Ave., Poltava, 36011, Ukraine
ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0003-3821-2079
Scopus Author ID: 56677816700
Bilovol Raisa
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
of the Department of Management and Logistics,
Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University,
24 Pershotravnevyi Ave., Poltava, 36011, Ukraine
ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-5446-0374
Hvizdová Eva
PhD in Economics, MBA,
College of International Management ISM Slovakia in Prešov,
3951/1 Duchnovičovo námestie Str., Prešov, 080 01, Slovak Republic
Features of social responsibility integration into THE enterprise’S management strategy
Abstract: in the article the difference between social responsibility and corporate social responsibility was defined. A theoretical analysis was showed that many scientists equate “social responsibility” to “legal responsibility”. In the article was determined that “social responsibility” and “corporate social responsibility” are not identical concepts. Authors proposed definition to the “Corporate Social Responsibility of the Enterprise (CSRE)” as an official document or program of action that is approved by senior management; provides the enterprise management active work in order to help the state, society, community, individual person, using their own resources and opportunities. It was proved that the integration of social responsibility into the strategy of enterprise management should be based on the relevant principles of social responsibility management, such as: moderation, flexibility, continuity, adequacy of efforts, transparency, improvement and development. Based on European experience was proven that today in Ukraine the principle of transparency is rather undervalued and not used at enterprises. Author’s defined structure of social responsibility management that should consist of three levels: managerial, strategic and practical. In article were proposed three stages of corporate social responsibility of the enterprise (CSRE): preparatory, adoption and implementation of decisions, management of the CSRE realization.
Obstacles that prevent the integration of social responsibility into the strategy of Ukrainian enterprises were discovered: lack of clear mechanisms for introducing social responsibility; enterprises do not have appropriate qualified personnel who will be able to develop and correct the CSRE; lack of non-financial reporting by enterprises and insufficient public (open) information on the possibilities of assistance; lack of desire to compromise between the state and the community; enterprises do not see the benefits (financial and moral) of the implementation of the CRS; corporate social responsibility can only be developed by large enterprises; a huge number of risks and threats that adversely affect on economic activity (most of Ukrainian enterprises do not receive profit at all from their activities); distrust of society to “acts of mercy”, which mostly sees as PR actions, but not the real help. Authors proved that Ukrainian enterprises need to use European experience, implement international standards of social responsibility, which will allow creating active communication and interaction between the enterprise, the state and society.
Keywords: enterprise, management, enterprise management, strategy, social responsibility, corporate social responsibility (CSR).
JEL Classification: M14, L21.
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