Mariana Bil
PhD in Public Administration,
Senior Researcher of State Institution
«Institute of Regional Research named
after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine»,
4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine,
Olha Ryndzak
PhD in Economics,
Senior Researcher of State Institution
«Institute of Regional Research named
after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine»,
4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine,
Abstract: Highly mobile features preceded by several mobile transitions of civilization development characterize modern society. Mobility of population is the feature of entity’s movement from one condition to another due to fast accumulation of human capacity, which secures these changes in space and in time. Global trends of mobility confirm the positive dynamics of migration of population. In the modern economically polarized world, the mobility is unbalanced. It forces the countries to use various mechanisms of migration regulation in order to obtain positive effects. There are different approaches to development and implementation of these mechanisms. Structural and functional approach is among the most complex ones, stipulating the definition of functional liabilities of various components in the system of the mechanism and the interrelations among them.
Structural and functional approach to improvement of migration regulation mechanism should be oriented at maintenance of human capacity development in a country – reproductive, intellectual, educational, labor-oriented and cultural. The new mechanism should provide the following functions: stimulation, restriction, counteraction, regulation, control, protection, adaptation and integration, analysis and monitoring. These functions do not correspond to the latest doctrine of migration regulation, which is based on the principles of the rule of law, value of every person and maximizing of economic benefits from migration for both donor countries and migrants’ recipients.
Keywords: migration regulation mechanism, regulation function, migration regulation doctrine, mobility of population, mobile transitions, structural and functional approach, human capacity.
JEL classification: O15, F22, H00, R23
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