
Posted on by

Оlga Levytska

PhD in Economics,

Senior Researcher of Department

of Social and Humanitarian

Development of the Region,

State Institution ‘Institute of Regional Research

named after M.I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine’,

4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine,



Оlga Mulska

PhD in Economics,

Junior Researcher of Department

of Social and Humanitarian

Development of the Region,

State Institution ‘Institute of Regional Research

named after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine’,

4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine,






Abstract: Labour markets are affected by continuous structural and functional transformations concerning all the participants of labour relations. As a result, new types of relations have been formed as well as new attitudes to work environment, flexibility and mobility opportunities have occurred.  In the current article, the authors identify and systemize the main Ukrainian labour market trends under conditions of global digitalization, human resource migration and transformation of work concepts and practices. Considerable attention is paid to a comparative analysis of standard (traditional) and non-standard forms of employment, to discussion of significant disadvantages and possible risks in non-standard work, and to identification of a precarious class of workers. The authors also analyse peculiarities of the development of non-standard forms of employment by the example of the information and communications technology sector of Ukraine. This sector is considered to be the biggest driver for innovations in the national labour market and the most favourable, fast developing platform for implementation of new work practices. To manage the risks and challenges of emerging trends in the labour market of Ukraine, the main priorities of a proactive employment policy based on new work concepts are defined and substantiated.

Keywords: labour market, work concept, non-standard employment, precarious workers, information and communications technology sector, employment policy.

JEL classification: J01,  J21, J5


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