Nazariy Popadynets
Candidate of Economics,
Senior Researcher of Department
of regional economic policy
I. Dolishniy Institute of
Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine,
4 Kozelnytska Str., Lviv, 79026, Ukraine,
Valentyna Yakubiv
Doctor of Economics, Professor,
Vasyl Stefanyk precarpathian national university,
Department of Management and Business Administration,
57, Shevchenko str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018, Ukraine,
Yulia Maksymiv
Candidate of Economics,
Associate Professor,
Vasyl Stefanyk precarpathian national university,
Department of Accounting and Auditing,
57, Shevchenko str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018, Ukraine,
Abstract: The volumes and structure of consumption of solid biofuels on internal market of Ukraine are analyzed. The share of export-import of wood briquettes and pellets to the markets of EU, CIS and Asian countries is calculated. Volynska, Zhytomyrska, Zakarpatska, Ivano-Frankivska, Lvivska, Rivnenska, Ternopilska, Hmelnytska and Chernivetska oblasts are proven to have the highest capacity of bioenergy market development. Fluectuation of prices for solid biofuel on internal market are analyzed across producers‘ positions and the reasons of this situation are found. The range of activities to stimulate available capacity of domestic enterprises both on internal and foreign markets of bioenergy resources is outlined.
Key words: bioenergy resources, briquettes, internal market, pellets, solid biofuels.
JEL classification: Q42, Q49
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