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Uzha Alla

Doctor of Economics, associate professor,

professor of the department of economics and management

Private educational establishment

Educational, scientific and productional cluster of seafaring complex

National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov

28, Yanvar’ova, Str., Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine



Spatar Alexander

Metrology Engineer for the chief Metrologies service

the Mikolaev management of the main ammonia pipeline „Ukrhimtransamiak“ State-Owned Enterprise „Ukrhimtransamiak“

12, Schneerson Str., Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine







Abstract: The paper analyzes the current condition of functioning of the region’s transport industry and defines its main features, namely: lack of financial resources for innovations introduction; lack of fundamental scientific research, slow paces of structural reforms implementation in national transport and road system. The objective need for implementation of innovative type of transport industry development in current conditions is emphasized. The paper outlines the major tasks of marketing of transport industry innovative development in the region, including: research of transport services market and its main entities, analysis and prognosis of market conditions; assessment of competitive advantages of transport companies activity on the market due to innovations implementation; development of recommendations on forming of transport companies’ innovative policy; detailed analysis of the needs of transport industry companies in innovations; research of behavior and motivations; determining of competitive ability of transport services after implementation of innovations. Peculiarities of marketing of innovative products of transport industry are defined as following: analysis of demand for innovations; prognosis of demand for innovations; features of innovative activity; stimulation of demand for innovative products in transport industry; marketing policy of innovative products distribution.  

Keywords: innovative development, innovations, marketing, transport industry, region, globalization processes, marketing analysis.

JEL classification: O22


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2020 TRANSPORT Strategy of Ukraine, 20 October 2010, no. 2174-р. [online] [viewed 21 October 2019]. Available from: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2174-2010-%D1%80

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