Doctor of Economics, Professor,
Head of Management Department
National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov
Heroyiv Ukrayiny Ave., 9, Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Stegney Marianna
Doctor of Economics, Professor,
Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Engineering
Mukachevo State University
Uzhorodska Str. 26, Mukachevo, 89600, Ukraine
Boiko Yevheniya
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
Head of Management Department
National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov
Heroyiv Ukrayiny Ave., 9, Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Voit Dmytro
PhD in economics, doctorate student,
International University of Business and Law
49th Hvardiyskoyi Dyviziyi Str. 37-41, Herson, 73000, Ukraine
Hryshyna Nataliya
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
Head of Management Department
National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov
Heroyiv Ukrayiny Ave., 9, Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Abstract: The paper outlines the nature and main components of provision of regions’ socio-economic development in conditions of decentralization. The condition of decentralization reform implementation in Ukraine and main problems of forming of efficient institutional architectonics to facilitate the reform implementation and to secure the improvement of the regions’ social and economic development at current stage are examined. Institutional forms and elements of decentralization are systematized and their nature and functioning principles are defined. The paper analyzes the peculiarities of traditional monitoring system of territorial units’ socio-economic development used in Ukraine. Improvement of methodical approaches to monitoring of socio-economic development is suggested. It is based on calculation of comparative integral estimations of dynamic coefficients of socio-economic development of national socio-economic system at three levels: global, national and regional. The use of suggested methodical approaches contributes to defining of an integral picture of socio-economic development, tendency vectors and misbalances of maintenance of social and economic results at the moment of estimation. Success of decentralization reform is manifested in the completeness of its implementation, which should result in not only adjustment of administrative-territorial structure of the country and improvement of institutional and managerial architectonics, but also in extension of activity and efficiency of local communities in the context of their impact on the development of both education, medicine, social and housing infrastructure and the areas of culture, social provision, energy efficiency, transport, etc.
Keywords: decentralization, socio-economic development level, territorial units, national economy.
JEL classification: O22, O31, O32
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