
Posted on by

Korkuna Oryslava

Candidate of Economics,

Associate Professor of Hotel Restaurant Business Department

I. Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture

11, Kostiushko Str., Lviv, 79000, Ukraine,



Tsilnyk Oleg

Director of Private Enterprise „Ukrzakhidpostach“

10 Verbytskoho Str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine,





Abstract: The paper analyzes the preconditions of conducting the decentralization reform in Ukraine. The place and role of a territorial community in Ukrainian budget system as well as the problems related to functioning of territorial communities at current development stage are outlined. The features of implementation of decentralization reform are analyzed and its major tasks are defined as, in the first place, achievement of optimal distribution of competences between local governments and local executive authorities and, in the second place, creation of capable territorial communities as the basic link of the new administrative and territorial structure. The need to develop perspective plans of communities’ development is emphasized. The forms of state assistance to forming and development of territorial communities are defined, including elaboration of State Regional Development Strategy, strategies of territories’ regional development, strategies of territorial communities’ development as well as action plans for implementation of development strategies.

Key words: administrative and territorial structure, local governance, decentralization reform, development strategy, territorial community.

JEL classification: Н23, Н61, Н73


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