Associate professor, PhD in Systematic philosophy
College of International Business ISM Slovakia in Prešov
1 Duchnovičovo námestie
Prešov 080 01, Slovak Republic
Július Alexy was born on June 19, 1926 in Krompachy, but he spent his childhood and youth in Matejovce near Poprad. His grandmother excelled in mathematics, mastering differential equations. As a young man, Július Alexy studied at the Business Academy in nearby Poprad. Here he also became actively involved in sports. The young Július played hockey and football for Poprad. He excelled especially as a hockey player, where he played several seasons in the 1940s as a player in Poprad. In 1944/45 he took part in the resistance with a gun in his hand. He fought in the famous Slovak National Uprising, was assigned as the bodyguard of the main commanders of the uprising, Generals Viest and Golian. He also actively participated in the battles for Liptovský Mikuláš. Here he came under siege from the Wehrmacht, where he managed to shoot himself at his unit. Only 18 of the more than 100 soldiers were saved during this combat action. After the war, he worked as the personal secretary of Ján Masaryk. His parents got to know Masaryk’s family well.
After studying at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Slovak Technical University, Július Alexy began lecturing at the named institution. He worked here until the 1990s, among other things as the dean of the faculty. He became a pioneer of mathematical methods in the field of economics management of the chemical industry. In fact, he can be considered the founder of operational analysis in Czechoslovakia. In addition to the mentioned institution, Július Alexy also worked as the director of the Manager school with r. about. in Bratislava. In addition, he also worked at the University of Alexander Dubček in Trenčín from Trenčín from 1997 to 2011. From 1997 to 2017 he also worked at the University of Economics in Bratislava. He left the workplace only to prevent the dismissal of the young assistant by saving money.
Julius Alexy defended the title of candidate of science in 1960. In the same year he received his habilitation as an associate professor. In 1972 he was appointed professor of economics and management of the chemical industry. In the field of research, he focuses mainly on operational and systems analysis. He is a member of the editorial boards of the magazines Accounting, Auditing, Taxation and Maneko. He has lectured in many countries around the world. He has been invited several times as a lecturer at the prestigious Harvard University. Professor Alexy is known as a brilliant lecturer who flexibly adapts to current realities. He is also known for his extraordinary diligence. He educated more than 20 candidates of science. He is the author of many books and more than 140 studies. He has received several hundred citations at home and abroad. He has maintained a high degree of creativity and originality to this day. We wish him a lot of energy and health for the next years of life.