Bobryk Valentyn
Postgraduate degree seeker, Foreign affairs Chair,
Uzhgorod National University,
14 Universitetska Str., Uzhgorod, 88000, Ukraine
Abstract: In terms of intense regionalization of the economy, the importance of small innovative businesses at regional and local levels grows. The directions of development in the region – is a part of other strategies, related to solving the social and economic problems at the country level. Development of small innovative entrepreneurship and its transition to a new level require not only improve the efficiency of state and regional investment policy in this area, but also a comprehensive understanding of the internal processes taking place in the sector, as well as the vision of the position of entrepreneurs. The article examines the formation and development of small innovation entrepreneurship as an economy sector and main directions to achieve a positive effect on the amount and structure of macroeconomic indicators as to the country generally and its separate regions.
Keywords: innovation activity of enterprises, capital investments of innovative companies, developmental quotient of small innovative companies in the region, support tools for small innovative entrepreneurship, information portal of small innovative enterprises.
JEL classification: M2, O3, R11, R38, R58
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