Voit Serhiy
Doctor in economics,
General Director State Enterprise “Production Association
Pivdennyi Machine-Building Plant named after A.M. Makarov»
1, Kryvorizka Str., Dnipro,49047, Ukraine
Nikon Dmytro
PhD in economics,
Deputy General Director State Enterprise
“Production Association Pivdennyi
Machine-Building Plant named after A.M. Makarov»
1, Kryvorizka Str., Dnipro,49047, Ukraine
Syenkevych Oleksandr
PhD student,
National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov
Heroyiv Ukrayiny Ave., 9, Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Kletsov Yehor
PhD student,
National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov
Heroyiv Ukrayiny Ave., 9, Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Klots Yurii
external PhD student,
Black Sea Research Institute of Economy and Innovation
6/1 Inhlezi Str., Odesa, 65101, Ukraine
Abstract: The paper argues that identification and modeling of the processes of interaction between the entities of innovative processes and investors as well as consolidation of organizational, informational, financial, labor resources of the state and business by common goals are the keys to effective coordination of the interests of all participants in the investment and innovation process aimed at the competitive development of both the country as a whole and of individual socio-economic systems. The generalized model of realization of investment-innovation processes, which determines the role, functions of main actors and directions of their interaction for the achievement of the designated result, is substantiated. The fact that the efficiency and intensity of investment-innovation processes carried out within the framework of the model depend on the efficiency of investment and innovation policy on macro- and mesolevels is emphasized. The main directions of improvement of organizational and managerial mechanisms of activation of investment-innovation processes are substantiated. Activation of mechanisms of corporatization and public-private partnership is considered the most promising among them in the conditions of recession. The paper outlines the peculiarities and main problems of corporatization processes in modern conditions as well as directions of overcoming the obstacles at the level of the region, which will allow attracting additional investment resources, in particular foreign capital, and directing them to the innovation sphere. The present state and main directions of realization of public-private partnership at the regional level are researched, and the inadequate level of use of this instrument for optimizing the management of investment and innovation processes is recognized. The authors emphasize that the important condition for the formation of the integration partnership of the entities of investment and innovation activity in the region (state and regional apparatus, education, science and business) is not only the recognition of public-private partnership as an important system of creating a component of regional investment and innovation processes at the regional and program levels, but also the development of efficient tools for its implementation, which take into account the interests of each of the parties, while avoiding dictate, excessive bureaucracy, corruption and monopoly.
Keywords: organizational-economic mechanism, investment-innovation process, public-private partnership, partnership, corporatization, governing authorities.
JEL classification: O22, O31
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