Doctor of Economics, Professor,
Head of Management Department
National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov
Heroyiv Ukrayiny Ave., 9, Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Stroiko Tatiana
Doctor of Economics, Professor,
Head of Economy and Management Department
Mykolayiv National University named after V.O. Sukhomlinsky
Nikolska St., 24, Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Kupchyshynа Olga
Teacher of Finance Department
Mykolayiv National University named after V.O. Sukhomlinsky
Nikolska St., 24, Mykolayiv, 54000, Ukraine
Abstract: Modern agricultural policy in Ukraine is in a state of formation and execution. The research of the current regulatory framework allowed us to formulate a concept analysis of regulatory policy in the agricultural sector as a basis for the introduction of effective regulatory tools. It is proved that a comprehensive analysis of regula-tory policy should consist of three main blocks: analysis of costs and results of agricultural policy; analysis of the aims and objectives of budget programs; analysis of the regulatory environment for agri-business. It has been established that the regulatory policy in the agri-cultural sector differs from the general economic regulatory policy by the features that are due to the specifics of the agricultural business. The specific of the national regulatory policy is determined by the current level of socio-economic relations development in the agricul-tural sector, the structure of its production, integration and interaction with other sectors. Deepening the research, a set of indicators has been systematized that will allow tracking the tightness and quality of the relationship between the main indicators of the agricultural policy costs and the effectiveness of agricultural production. The correlation coefficients are calculated. Three main levels of its implementation are established: global regulatory policy; national regulatory policy; sectoral regulatory policy. A preliminary analysis of the relationship between indicators of costs and the results of agricultural policy al-lows us to create a conceptual model of „cost-results“ analysis. It is based on the idea of a positive relationship between the costs of state agricultural policy and the functioning of the agricultural sector of the economy. That is, the closer the relationship between budget spend-ing on the agricultural sector and the results of its functioning, the more effective the agricultural policy.
Keywords: national economy, agrarian sector, Ukraine, regulatory policy, sectoral specificities.
JEL classification: O22, O31, O32