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The increasing complexity of globalization and its multifaceted symptoms gets  justified attention in many publications. The focus is paid on its economic  symptoms  and impacts. Within this area dominate international business environment (IBE), International Business (IB) and the operation of multinational corporations (MNC).Goal of the paper: to identify development trends in IBE, IB and to generalize changes in MNC strategy as bearers of globalization. Methods:  in the theoretical part are used  methods of scientific abstraction, analysis, synthesis and description, in the research part are used quantitative methods, conclusions and devlopment trends are designed using the method of generalization. Results and discussion: identified main trends in the development of IBE and IB, ranking of IBE factors according to their relevance based on the research, a generalized effect of IBE on firms competing priorities, specified changes in the functioning of MNC in the area of business practices, in the methods and forms of communication, in accounting and finance, in the area of psychology and way of manager’s  thinking. Conclusions: generalized effects of globalization in IBE, listed MNC effects from their global expansion, highlighted four important dimensions of IBE in the context of the topic and the goal of the paper, namely dynamism, complexity, diversity and responsiveness / assertiveness.

Keywords: Globalization,  international business, international business environment,  multinationale  enterprises.


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