The supplier – customer chain can be referred to as a basic “building block” of the entrepreneurial environment. Such chains exist in the particular branches, which were illustrated in the paper before and after the crises by means of the indicator concerning the number of employees, with an emphasis towards the two regions: Košice and Prešov. The indicator shads a light on resilience of the two east Slovakia`s regions and their significant branches regarding the global financial crisis 2008-2010. While the breeding ground of the branch are entrepreneurs and their activities (innovative one as well). Consequently the same indicator was used for deeper research on the shocks sensitivity of the regions, while the search was broaden for all regions of Slovak Republic, but excluding the branch variable. In a conclusion there is a brief opinion on the position of entrepreneur regarding the resilience of regions.
Keywords: labor market, business, shocks, regions, branches, resilience of region.
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