Various economic and social consequences of the ageing of communities, which all Europe has to take into account as well, make the economic activity of people over 50 in the labour market one of the most significant issues raised in labour market research. In many EU countries measures have been taken in order to maintain the employment rates of this group of workers or to include them in the labour market. The aim of the paper is to evaluate of the situation of people aged 50+ in the labour market in Poland in the context of the possibility of extending their economic activity. The analysis will be based on survey data conducted on representative national samples of people aged 45+ and employers in Poland. The analysis was conducted with the application of basic descriptive statistics, as well as chi-squared test and logistic regression.
Keywords. ageing, economic activity, extending working life, social policy, Poland.
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Eurostat Database, http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/statistics/themes