Necula Sabina-Cristiana
PhD in Economics, Scientific Researcher,
Department of Research,
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania,
11 Carol I Blvd., Iasi, 700506, Romania
Perspectives on the use of deep learning
in business
Abstract: This paper presents the perspectives on the use of deep learning in business domain. It treats the actual context, the traditional decision support tools and fucntionalities and the present deep learning models possible to use in business. It actually raises the main points of interest of today’s business world always dynamic, always online, dealing with lots of technologies and lots of data. Artificial neural networks are designed such that they can identify the underlying patterns in data and learn from them. They can be used for various tasks such as classification, regression, segmentation, and so on. This paper treats the problems that decision-makers addresses with deep learning models.
Keywords: deep learning, decision support systems, machine learning, business, data mining.
JEL Classification: M15, O33, O32.
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