The contemporary quality management system is based on process-wise attitude, whose importance is growing steadily, mostly due to permanent changes resulting in continuous improvement of the processes. Efficient course of the company’s processes is a tool that keeps and strenghtens the company position in the market. The quality of the company’s processes and their efficient configuration are influencing not only the costs, but also the sales and profit amounts due to high-quality service for the customer. In the following article, the attention is aimed to the issue of the impact of the process costs on the quality. Within the process itself, we are neither dealing with its analysis from the technical point of view, nor we will analyze the priority levels of the processes as far as the production concerns. Instead, we will aim our attention to the analysis of the individual company’s outputs and to their impact on the efficiency of the process under investigation, i.e. to the process measurable outputs and/or the process economy. Thus the purpose is the process analysis in connection to the product and its added value generation. The process analysis was carried out at the workshops level, and – as far as its methodology concerns – at the entity level.
Key words: quality, process, measurement of efficiency, costs, effective,
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